Dr. Jaume Capdevila, a Medical Oncologist at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona, Spain, and Dr. Rachel van Leeuwaarde, an Endocrinologist from the University Medical Center of Utrecht in The Netherlands discuss the use of multi-kinase inhibitors (MKIs), in particular VEGFR-TKIs in patients with radioactive iodine refractory differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC).
In this podcast, the two experts discuss key trials (SELECT, DECISION and COSMIC-311) and efficacy parameters of the current VEGFR-TKIs (lenvatinib, sorafenib and cabozantinib), how to manage toxicity whilst trying to optimise treatment outcomes and preserving always patients’ quality of life. They also discuss treatment strategies, when to start systemic treatment, which drug should be used first and how to sequence therapies. To close the podcast they take a look at ongoing clinical trials with other treatments in development for DTC.
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In this podcast, NTRK CONNECT members Prof Frédérique Penault-Llorca (University of Clermont-Ferrand, France) and Prof Andrea Sartore-Bianchi (Niguarda Cancer Centre, Milan, Italy) provide both...